Arranged chronologically (* indicates equal contribution).
28. Mouy, X., Archer, S.K., Dosso, S., Dudas, S., English, P., Foord, C., Halliday, W., Juanes, F., Lancaster, D., Van Parijs, S., Haggarty, D., 2024 Automatic detection of unidentified fish sounds: a comparison of traditional machine learning with deep learning. Front. Remote Sens. 5:1439995.
27. Murchy, K.A., Rountree, R.A., Mouy, X., Juanes, F., 2023. “Preliminary examination of sounds produced by Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) during their fall spawning migration,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154, 2665–2675.
26. Van Parijs, S.M., DeAngelis, A.I., Aldrich, T., Gordon, R., Holdman, A., McCordic, J.A, Mouy, X., Rowell, T.J., Tennant, S., Westell, A., Davis, G.E., 2023. “Establishing baselines for predicting change in ambient sound metrics, marine mammal, and vessel occurrence within a US offshore wind energy area,” ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2023, fsad148,
25. Kanes, K. S. J., Dosso, S.E., Lado Insua, T.L., Mouy, X., Bateman, A., 2023. “Seasonal and diel patterns in Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) pulsed calls near Barkley Canyon,” Marine Mammal Science, 1–16.
24. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K., Qualley, J., Dosso, S., and Juanes, F. (2023). “Identification of fish sounds in the wild using a set of portable audio-video arrays,” Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
23. Diogou, N., Halliday, W. D., Dosso, S. E., Mouy, X., Niemi, A., and Insley, S. J. (2023). “Bowhead whale year-round acoustic presence and habitat associations in the Amundsen Gulf, Western Canadian Arctic, 2018–2019,” Progress in Oceanography 213, 103004.
22. Frouin-Mouy, H.*, Mouy, X.*, Pilkington, J., Küsel, E., Nichol, L., Doniol-Valcroze, T., and Lee, L. (2022). “Acoustic and visual cetacean surveys reveal year-round spatial and temporal distributions for multiple species in northern British Columbia, Canada,” Scientific Reports 12, 19272.
21. Halliday, W. D., Brittain, S. A., Niemi, A., Majewski, A. R. Mouy, X., Insley, S. J. (2022). “The underwater soundscape of Minto Inlet, Northwest Territories, Canada,” Arctic 75, 462-479.
20. Booy, K. V., Mouy, X., Ferguson, S. H., and Marcoux, M., 2021. “Spatio-temporal summer distribution of Cumberland Sound beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Clearwater Fiord, Nunavut, Canada,” Arctic Science 7, 394-412.
19. Insley, S. J., Halliday, W. D., Mouy, X., and Diogou, N., 2021. “Bowhead whales overwinter in the Amundsen Gulf and Eastern Beaufort Sea,” R. Soc. Open Sci. 8, 202268.
18. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K., Qualley, J., Mireault, C., Dosso, S., and Juanes, F., 2020. “FishCam: A low-cost open source autonomous camera for aquatic research,” HardwareX 8, e00110.
17. Halliday, W. D., Pine, M. K., Mouy, X., Kortsalo, P., Hilliard, R, C, and Insley, S. J., 2020. "The coastal Arctic marine soundscape near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada," Polar Biology 43, 623–636.
16. Halliday, W. D., Scharffenberg, K., MacPhee, S. Hilliard,R. C., Mouy, X., Whalen, D., Loseto, L. L., and Insley, S. J., 2019. “Beluga Vocalizations Decrease in Response to Vessel Traffic in the Mackenzie River Estuary,” Arctic 72, 337-346.
15. Burnham, R.E., Duffus, D.A., and Mouy, X., 2019. “The presence of large whale species in Clayoquot Sound and its offshore waters,” Continental Shelf Research 177: 15-23.
14. Frouin-Mouy, H., Mouy, X., Berchok, C.L., Blackwell, S.B., and Stafford, K.M., 2019. “Acoustic occurrence and behavior of ribbon seals (Histriophoca fasciata) in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas,” Polar Biology 42, 657–674.
13. Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Insley, S.J., Soares, R.N., Kortsalo, P., and Mouy, X., 2019. “Acoustic detections of Arctic marine mammals near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories,” Canadian Journal of Zoology 97, 72–80.
12. Mouy, X., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S., 2018. “Cataloging fish sounds in the wild using combined acoustic and video recordings,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, EL333-EL339.
11. Burnham, R.E., Duffus, D.A., and Mouy, X., 2018. “Gray Whale (Eschrictius robustus) Call Types Recorded During Migration off the West Coast of Vancouver Island,” Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 1-11.
10. Archer, S.K., Halliday, W.D., Riera, A., Mouy, X., Pine, M.K., Chu, J.W.F., Dunham, A., Juanes, F., 2018. “The first description of a glass sponge reef soundscape reveals fish calls and elevated sound pressure levels,” Marine Ecology Progress Series 595, 245-252.
9. Halliday, W.D., Insley, S.J., de Jong, T., and Mouy, X., 2017. “Seasonal patterns in acoustic detections of marine mammals near Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories,” Arctic Science 4: 259-278.
8. Burnham, R.E., Palm, R.S., Duffus, D.A., Mouy, X., and Riera, A., 2016. “The combined use of visual and acoustic data collection techniques for winter killer whale (Orcinus orca) observations,” Global Ecology and Conservation 8, 24-30.
7. Frouin-Mouy, H., Mouy, X., Martin, B., and Hannay, D., 2016. “Underwater acoustic behavior of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the northeastern Chukchi Sea, 2007–2010),” Marine Mammal Science 32, 141–160.
6. Mouy, X., Mouy, P.A., Hannay, D., and Dakin, T., 2015. "JMesh - A Scalable Web-Based Platform for Visualization and Mining of Passive Acoustic Data," in Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp.773-779, 14-17 Nov. 2015.
5. Hannay, D., Delarue, J., Mouy, X., Martin, B., Leary, D., and Oswald, J., 2013. “Marine mammal acoustic detections in the northeastern Chukchi Sea, September 2007–July 2011,” Continental Shelf Research 67, 127-146.
4. Mouy, X., Hannay, D., Zykov, M., and Martin, B., 2012. “Tracking of Pacific walruses in the Chukchi Sea using a single hydrophone,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 131, 1349-1358.
3. Mouy, X., Bahoura, M., and Simard, Y., 2009. “Automatic recognition of fin and blue whale calls for real-time monitoring in the St. Lawrence,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 126, 2918-2928.
2. Mouy, X., Leary, D. Martin, B., and Laurinolli, M., 2008. “A comparison of methods for the automatic classification of marine mammal vocalizations in the Arctic,” New Trends for Environmental Monitoring Using Passive Systems, 2008.
1. Simard, Y., Bahoura, M., Park, C.W., Rouat, J., Sirois, M., Mouy, X., Seebaruth, D., Roy, N., and Lepage, R., 2006. “Development and experimentation of a satellite buoy network for real-time acoustic localization of whales in the St. Lawrence,” OCEANS 2006.
28. Mouy, X., Archer, S.K., Dosso, S., Dudas, S., English, P., Foord, C., Halliday, W., Juanes, F., Lancaster, D., Van Parijs, S., Haggarty, D., 2024 Automatic detection of unidentified fish sounds: a comparison of traditional machine learning with deep learning. Front. Remote Sens. 5:1439995.
27. Murchy, K.A., Rountree, R.A., Mouy, X., Juanes, F., 2023. “Preliminary examination of sounds produced by Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) during their fall spawning migration,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154, 2665–2675.
26. Van Parijs, S.M., DeAngelis, A.I., Aldrich, T., Gordon, R., Holdman, A., McCordic, J.A, Mouy, X., Rowell, T.J., Tennant, S., Westell, A., Davis, G.E., 2023. “Establishing baselines for predicting change in ambient sound metrics, marine mammal, and vessel occurrence within a US offshore wind energy area,” ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2023, fsad148,
25. Kanes, K. S. J., Dosso, S.E., Lado Insua, T.L., Mouy, X., Bateman, A., 2023. “Seasonal and diel patterns in Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) pulsed calls near Barkley Canyon,” Marine Mammal Science, 1–16.
24. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K., Qualley, J., Dosso, S., and Juanes, F. (2023). “Identification of fish sounds in the wild using a set of portable audio-video arrays,” Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
23. Diogou, N., Halliday, W. D., Dosso, S. E., Mouy, X., Niemi, A., and Insley, S. J. (2023). “Bowhead whale year-round acoustic presence and habitat associations in the Amundsen Gulf, Western Canadian Arctic, 2018–2019,” Progress in Oceanography 213, 103004.
22. Frouin-Mouy, H.*, Mouy, X.*, Pilkington, J., Küsel, E., Nichol, L., Doniol-Valcroze, T., and Lee, L. (2022). “Acoustic and visual cetacean surveys reveal year-round spatial and temporal distributions for multiple species in northern British Columbia, Canada,” Scientific Reports 12, 19272.
21. Halliday, W. D., Brittain, S. A., Niemi, A., Majewski, A. R. Mouy, X., Insley, S. J. (2022). “The underwater soundscape of Minto Inlet, Northwest Territories, Canada,” Arctic 75, 462-479.
20. Booy, K. V., Mouy, X., Ferguson, S. H., and Marcoux, M., 2021. “Spatio-temporal summer distribution of Cumberland Sound beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Clearwater Fiord, Nunavut, Canada,” Arctic Science 7, 394-412.
19. Insley, S. J., Halliday, W. D., Mouy, X., and Diogou, N., 2021. “Bowhead whales overwinter in the Amundsen Gulf and Eastern Beaufort Sea,” R. Soc. Open Sci. 8, 202268.
18. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K., Qualley, J., Mireault, C., Dosso, S., and Juanes, F., 2020. “FishCam: A low-cost open source autonomous camera for aquatic research,” HardwareX 8, e00110.
17. Halliday, W. D., Pine, M. K., Mouy, X., Kortsalo, P., Hilliard, R, C, and Insley, S. J., 2020. "The coastal Arctic marine soundscape near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada," Polar Biology 43, 623–636.
16. Halliday, W. D., Scharffenberg, K., MacPhee, S. Hilliard,R. C., Mouy, X., Whalen, D., Loseto, L. L., and Insley, S. J., 2019. “Beluga Vocalizations Decrease in Response to Vessel Traffic in the Mackenzie River Estuary,” Arctic 72, 337-346.
15. Burnham, R.E., Duffus, D.A., and Mouy, X., 2019. “The presence of large whale species in Clayoquot Sound and its offshore waters,” Continental Shelf Research 177: 15-23.
14. Frouin-Mouy, H., Mouy, X., Berchok, C.L., Blackwell, S.B., and Stafford, K.M., 2019. “Acoustic occurrence and behavior of ribbon seals (Histriophoca fasciata) in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas,” Polar Biology 42, 657–674.
13. Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Insley, S.J., Soares, R.N., Kortsalo, P., and Mouy, X., 2019. “Acoustic detections of Arctic marine mammals near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories,” Canadian Journal of Zoology 97, 72–80.
12. Mouy, X., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S., 2018. “Cataloging fish sounds in the wild using combined acoustic and video recordings,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, EL333-EL339.
11. Burnham, R.E., Duffus, D.A., and Mouy, X., 2018. “Gray Whale (Eschrictius robustus) Call Types Recorded During Migration off the West Coast of Vancouver Island,” Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 1-11.
10. Archer, S.K., Halliday, W.D., Riera, A., Mouy, X., Pine, M.K., Chu, J.W.F., Dunham, A., Juanes, F., 2018. “The first description of a glass sponge reef soundscape reveals fish calls and elevated sound pressure levels,” Marine Ecology Progress Series 595, 245-252.
9. Halliday, W.D., Insley, S.J., de Jong, T., and Mouy, X., 2017. “Seasonal patterns in acoustic detections of marine mammals near Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories,” Arctic Science 4: 259-278.
8. Burnham, R.E., Palm, R.S., Duffus, D.A., Mouy, X., and Riera, A., 2016. “The combined use of visual and acoustic data collection techniques for winter killer whale (Orcinus orca) observations,” Global Ecology and Conservation 8, 24-30.
7. Frouin-Mouy, H., Mouy, X., Martin, B., and Hannay, D., 2016. “Underwater acoustic behavior of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the northeastern Chukchi Sea, 2007–2010),” Marine Mammal Science 32, 141–160.
6. Mouy, X., Mouy, P.A., Hannay, D., and Dakin, T., 2015. "JMesh - A Scalable Web-Based Platform for Visualization and Mining of Passive Acoustic Data," in Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp.773-779, 14-17 Nov. 2015.
5. Hannay, D., Delarue, J., Mouy, X., Martin, B., Leary, D., and Oswald, J., 2013. “Marine mammal acoustic detections in the northeastern Chukchi Sea, September 2007–July 2011,” Continental Shelf Research 67, 127-146.
4. Mouy, X., Hannay, D., Zykov, M., and Martin, B., 2012. “Tracking of Pacific walruses in the Chukchi Sea using a single hydrophone,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 131, 1349-1358.
3. Mouy, X., Bahoura, M., and Simard, Y., 2009. “Automatic recognition of fin and blue whale calls for real-time monitoring in the St. Lawrence,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 126, 2918-2928.
2. Mouy, X., Leary, D. Martin, B., and Laurinolli, M., 2008. “A comparison of methods for the automatic classification of marine mammal vocalizations in the Arctic,” New Trends for Environmental Monitoring Using Passive Systems, 2008.
1. Simard, Y., Bahoura, M., Park, C.W., Rouat, J., Sirois, M., Mouy, X., Seebaruth, D., Roy, N., and Lepage, R., 2006. “Development and experimentation of a satellite buoy network for real-time acoustic localization of whales in the St. Lawrence,” OCEANS 2006.
Book chapter
Mouy, X., Oswald, J., Leary, D., Delarue, J., Vallarta, J., Rideout, B., Mellinger, D., Erbe, C., Hannay, D., and Martin, B., 2013. “Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Arctic” (Chapter 9). In: Detection, Classification and Localisation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics: 2003 – 2013, 10 years of International Research. Adam, O., and Samaran, F. (eds.), Dirac NGO, Paris, France, pp. 185-224.
Conference proceedings
Arranged chronologically.
8. Rountree, R., Burchard, K. A., Goudey, C. A., Mouy, X., and Juanes, F., 2020. "Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Haddock in the Gulf of Maine: Preliminary Results,” POMA XX, 1-9.
7. De Clerck, S., Samarra, F. I. P., Svavarsson, J., Mouy, X., and Wensveen, P.J., 2020. “Noise influences the acoustic behavior of killer whales, Orcinus orca, in Iceland,” Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 37, 040003.
6. Hannay, D.E., Mouy, X., and Li, Z., 2016. ”An automated real-time vessel sound measurement system for calculating monopole source levels using a modified version of the ANSI/ASA S12.64-2009,” Canadian Acoustics 44, 166-167.
5. Riera, A., Rountree, R.A, Mouy, X., Ford, J.K., and Juanes, F., 2016. “Effects of anthropogenic noise on fishes at the SGaan Kinghlas-Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area,” Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 27, 1-11.
4. Dewey, R., Dakin, T., Mouy, X., and Urazghildiiev, I., 2015. “A regional hydrophone network: Monitor, detect and track,” 2015 Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition. Crete, Greece.
3. Moloney, J., Hillis, C., Mouy, X., Urazghildiiev, I., and Dakin, T., 2014. “Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorders on the VENUS Ocean Observatory,” IEEE Oceans - St. John's, Sep 14-19, 1-6 pp.
2. Martin, B., Kowarski, K., Mouy, X., and Moors-Murphy, H., 2014. "Recording and identification of marine mammal vocalizations on the scotian shelf and slope," IEEE Oceans - St. John's, Sep 14-19, 1-6 pp.
1. Racca, R., Delarue, J., Frouin-Mouy, H., Hannay, D.E., Martin, B., Mouy, X., and Wladichuk, J., 2014. “Acoustic monitoring of marine mammals in the Chukchi Sea – Three case studies,” 2014 Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition. Rhodes, Greece, 1-6.
8. Rountree, R., Burchard, K. A., Goudey, C. A., Mouy, X., and Juanes, F., 2020. "Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Haddock in the Gulf of Maine: Preliminary Results,” POMA XX, 1-9.
7. De Clerck, S., Samarra, F. I. P., Svavarsson, J., Mouy, X., and Wensveen, P.J., 2020. “Noise influences the acoustic behavior of killer whales, Orcinus orca, in Iceland,” Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 37, 040003.
6. Hannay, D.E., Mouy, X., and Li, Z., 2016. ”An automated real-time vessel sound measurement system for calculating monopole source levels using a modified version of the ANSI/ASA S12.64-2009,” Canadian Acoustics 44, 166-167.
5. Riera, A., Rountree, R.A, Mouy, X., Ford, J.K., and Juanes, F., 2016. “Effects of anthropogenic noise on fishes at the SGaan Kinghlas-Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area,” Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 27, 1-11.
4. Dewey, R., Dakin, T., Mouy, X., and Urazghildiiev, I., 2015. “A regional hydrophone network: Monitor, detect and track,” 2015 Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition. Crete, Greece.
3. Moloney, J., Hillis, C., Mouy, X., Urazghildiiev, I., and Dakin, T., 2014. “Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorders on the VENUS Ocean Observatory,” IEEE Oceans - St. John's, Sep 14-19, 1-6 pp.
2. Martin, B., Kowarski, K., Mouy, X., and Moors-Murphy, H., 2014. "Recording and identification of marine mammal vocalizations on the scotian shelf and slope," IEEE Oceans - St. John's, Sep 14-19, 1-6 pp.
1. Racca, R., Delarue, J., Frouin-Mouy, H., Hannay, D.E., Martin, B., Mouy, X., and Wladichuk, J., 2014. “Acoustic monitoring of marine mammals in the Chukchi Sea – Three case studies,” 2014 Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition. Rhodes, Greece, 1-6.
Selected technical reports
Mouy, X. 2021. Developing an Automatic Fish Sound Detector for British Columbia. Document 02308, Version 1.0. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Mouy, X., Wladichuk, J.L., and Austin, M.E., 2020. Modelling Acoustic Detection Ranges of Resident Killer Whales. Document 02241, Version 1.0. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Frouin-Mouy, H. and Mouy, X., 2020. Analysis of narwhal calls recorded off Bruce Head, Nunavut: Exploratory analysis of mother-calf contact calls based on visual and passive acoustic data. Document 02245, Version 1.0. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Golder Associates Ltd.
Mouy, X., Kowarski, K., Küsel, E.T., Maxner, E., Frouin-Mouy, H., and Austin, M., 2019. Passive Acoustic Analysis of Hydrophone Data: Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Parks Canada.
Austin, M., and Mouy X., 2018. Modelling Acoustic Detection Ranges of Southern Resident Killer Whales. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
McPherson, C., Delarue, J., Whitt, C., Maxner, E., Kowarski, K., and Mouy, X., 2017. Acoustic Monitoring in the Cook Strait Region, New Zealand. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for NIWA.
Mouy, X., Frouin-Mouy, H., Gosselin, J., Delarue, J., and Martin, B., 2013. Shell LNG Underwater Noise Studies: Field Measurements Report. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Shell Canada.
Mouy, X., MacGillivray, A., Vallarta, J., Martin, B., and Delarue, J., 2012. Ambient Noise and Killer Whale Monitoring near Port Metro Vancouver’s Proposed Terminal 2 Expansion Site: July–September 2012. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Hemmera.
Delarue, J., Martin, B., Mouy, X., MacDonnell, J., Vallarta, J., Chorney, N. E., and David Hannay, 2011. Northeastern Chukchi Sea Joint Acoustic Monitoring Program 2009-2010. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for ConocoPhillips Company, Shell Exploration & Production Company, and Statoil USA E&P, Inc.
Mouy, X., McCrodan, A., and Hannay, D., 2011. GXT 2010 SPAN and OBC Acoustic Characterization of Seismic Sources - Comprehensive Report. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for GX Technology.
Mouy, X., and Zykov, M., 2009. Underwater Acoustic Monitoring of Pile Driving Activities in the Penobscot River, Bangor, Maine. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for RMT Inc.
Mouy, X., Hannay, D., 2008. Pressure Monitoring of Trenching Blast for Pembina’s Athabasca River Pipeline Crossing. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Pembina Pipeline Corporation.
Mouy, X., Warner, G., MacDonnell, C., Hannay, D., 2008. Underwater Sound Level Measurements of Research Vessel from the Shell 2008 Operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Shell Exploration & Production Company.
Mouy, X., MacDonnell, J., Hannay, D., 2007. Acoustic Level Measurements of Airgun Sources from Shell’s 2007 Chukchi Sea Seismic Program. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Shell Exploration & Production Company.
Mouy, X., Wladichuk, J.L., and Austin, M.E., 2020. Modelling Acoustic Detection Ranges of Resident Killer Whales. Document 02241, Version 1.0. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Frouin-Mouy, H. and Mouy, X., 2020. Analysis of narwhal calls recorded off Bruce Head, Nunavut: Exploratory analysis of mother-calf contact calls based on visual and passive acoustic data. Document 02245, Version 1.0. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Golder Associates Ltd.
Mouy, X., Kowarski, K., Küsel, E.T., Maxner, E., Frouin-Mouy, H., and Austin, M., 2019. Passive Acoustic Analysis of Hydrophone Data: Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Parks Canada.
Austin, M., and Mouy X., 2018. Modelling Acoustic Detection Ranges of Southern Resident Killer Whales. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
McPherson, C., Delarue, J., Whitt, C., Maxner, E., Kowarski, K., and Mouy, X., 2017. Acoustic Monitoring in the Cook Strait Region, New Zealand. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for NIWA.
Mouy, X., Frouin-Mouy, H., Gosselin, J., Delarue, J., and Martin, B., 2013. Shell LNG Underwater Noise Studies: Field Measurements Report. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Shell Canada.
Mouy, X., MacGillivray, A., Vallarta, J., Martin, B., and Delarue, J., 2012. Ambient Noise and Killer Whale Monitoring near Port Metro Vancouver’s Proposed Terminal 2 Expansion Site: July–September 2012. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Hemmera.
Delarue, J., Martin, B., Mouy, X., MacDonnell, J., Vallarta, J., Chorney, N. E., and David Hannay, 2011. Northeastern Chukchi Sea Joint Acoustic Monitoring Program 2009-2010. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for ConocoPhillips Company, Shell Exploration & Production Company, and Statoil USA E&P, Inc.
Mouy, X., McCrodan, A., and Hannay, D., 2011. GXT 2010 SPAN and OBC Acoustic Characterization of Seismic Sources - Comprehensive Report. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for GX Technology.
Mouy, X., and Zykov, M., 2009. Underwater Acoustic Monitoring of Pile Driving Activities in the Penobscot River, Bangor, Maine. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for RMT Inc.
Mouy, X., Hannay, D., 2008. Pressure Monitoring of Trenching Blast for Pembina’s Athabasca River Pipeline Crossing. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Pembina Pipeline Corporation.
Mouy, X., Warner, G., MacDonnell, C., Hannay, D., 2008. Underwater Sound Level Measurements of Research Vessel from the Shell 2008 Operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Shell Exploration & Production Company.
Mouy, X., MacDonnell, J., Hannay, D., 2007. Acoustic Level Measurements of Airgun Sources from Shell’s 2007 Chukchi Sea Seismic Program. Technical report by JASCO Applied Sciences for Shell Exploration & Production Company.
Selected presentations
Mouy, X., Cabrera De Leo, F., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S., 2018. “Acoustic estimation of the biodiversity of fish and invertebrates,” 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Montreal, QC, May 13-16.
Mouy, X., Rountree, R., Burchard, K., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S., 2018. “Analysis of Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) sounds recorded in the Northwest Atlantic,” 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 7-11. Best student paper award in animal bioacoustics (second prize).
Mouy, X., 2016. “Possible fish sounds recorded in the Salish Sea,” 2016 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April 14-16.
Mouy, X., Ford, J., Pilkington, J., Kanes, K., Riera, A., Dakin, T., and Mouy, P. A., 2015. “Automatic Marine Mammal Monitoring off British Columbia, Canada,” 7th International DCLDE Workshop, La Jolla, CA, July 13-16.
Mouy, X., Delarue, J., Martin, B., and Hannay D., 2012. Pacific Walrus vocal repertoire in the northeastern Chukchi Sea: call type description and relative proportion in time and space. 164th Meeting of the ASA, Kansas City, Missouri, 23 -26 Oct.
Mouy, X., Oswald, J. N., Delarue, J., Leary, D., Hannay, D., Martin, B. S., Mellinger, D. K., 2011. “Development of a grunt detector for monitoring walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in the eastern Chukchi Sea,” 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa, Florida ,27 Nov – 2 Dec.
Mouy, X., Rountree, R., Burchard, K., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S., 2018. “Analysis of Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) sounds recorded in the Northwest Atlantic,” 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 7-11. Best student paper award in animal bioacoustics (second prize).
Mouy, X., 2016. “Possible fish sounds recorded in the Salish Sea,” 2016 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April 14-16.
Mouy, X., Ford, J., Pilkington, J., Kanes, K., Riera, A., Dakin, T., and Mouy, P. A., 2015. “Automatic Marine Mammal Monitoring off British Columbia, Canada,” 7th International DCLDE Workshop, La Jolla, CA, July 13-16.
Mouy, X., Delarue, J., Martin, B., and Hannay D., 2012. Pacific Walrus vocal repertoire in the northeastern Chukchi Sea: call type description and relative proportion in time and space. 164th Meeting of the ASA, Kansas City, Missouri, 23 -26 Oct.
Mouy, X., Oswald, J. N., Delarue, J., Leary, D., Hannay, D., Martin, B. S., Mellinger, D. K., 2011. “Development of a grunt detector for monitoring walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in the eastern Chukchi Sea,” 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa, Florida ,27 Nov – 2 Dec.